Doggy Dental Care

Does your canine pal knock you over with his doggy kisses? Fido isn’t renowned for having minty-fresh breath, but if his affectionate puppy smooches make you cringe, he may have dental troubles. Here, an Aboite, IN vet discusses doggy dental woes.

Common Problems

Dogs can suffer from many of the same dental issues as people can, including gum disease; infections; abscesses; and cracked, broken, or misaligned teeth. Gum disease is very common among our canine friends. This is a serious issue, because it can contribute to some very dangerous health problems, such as heart problems. It’s also not unusual for playful pooches to crack or break their teeth on hard toys or objects.


Fido can’t tell you if his teeth hurt, so you’ll need to watch for warning signs. Bad breath, as noted above, is a common one. Other red flags include stringy, ropy, or excessive drool; visible tartar buildup; swelling; and blood traces on your pup’s toys or dishes. Your pooch may also take longer eating, and/or may chew on one side of his mouth. Just like people, dogs can get grumpy if something is hurting them. Crankiness, shying, and reduced interest in play can also be indicative of dental issues. Call your vet immediately if you notice anything amiss.


We recommend having Fido’s choppers checked by a vet at least once a year. If you know or suspect that your pup has dental trouble, call your vet right away. Treatment options will be offered once a diagnosis has been made. These can range from extractions to a simple deep cleaning. Keep in mind that the point here isn’t to get your pet a perfect smile. Fido will still be adorable with a crooked grin! However, we really just focus on issues that lead to pain, infections, and/or other health issues.

Home Care

A good doggy dental care regimen should be a part of your pet’s home care routine. We recommend brushing Fido’s choppers regularly, using a pet toothbrush and toothpaste. You don’t have to do your dog’s entire mouth daily: just do one section at a time, and keep rotating. Dental-formula treats, kibble, and chews can also help. Last but not least, make sure your pooch always has fresh water and suitable chew toys.

Please contact us, your Aboite, IN pet hospital, for all your dog’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

Does your canine pal knock you over with his doggy kisses? Fido isn’t renowned for having minty-fresh breath, but if his affectionate puppy smooches make you cringe, he may have dental troubles. Here, an Aboite, IN vet discusses doggy dental woes.

Common Problems

Dogs can suffer from many of the same dental issues as people can, including gum disease; infections; abscesses; and cracked, broken, or misaligned teeth. Gum disease is very common among our canine friends. This is a serious issue, because it can contribute to some very dangerous health problems, such as heart problems. It’s also not unusual for playful pooches to crack or break their teeth on hard toys or objects.


Fido can’t tell you if his teeth hurt, so you’ll need to watch for warning signs. Bad breath, as noted above, is a common one. Other red flags include stringy, ropy, or excessive drool; visible tartar buildup; swelling; and blood traces on your pup’s toys or dishes. Your pooch may also take longer eating, and/or may chew on one side of his mouth. Just like people, dogs can get grumpy if something is hurting them. Crankiness, shying, and reduced interest in play can also be indicative of dental issues. Call your vet immediately if you notice anything amiss.


We recommend having Fido’s choppers checked by a vet at least once a year. If you know or suspect that your pup has dental trouble, call your vet right away. Treatment options will be offered once a diagnosis has been made. These can range from extractions to a simple deep cleaning. Keep in mind that the point here isn’t to get your pet a perfect smile. Fido will still be adorable with a crooked grin! However, we really just focus on issues that lead to pain, infections, and/or other health issues.

Home Care

A good doggy dental care regimen should be a part of your pet’s home care routine. We recommend brushing Fido’s choppers regularly, using a pet toothbrush and toothpaste. You don’t have to do your dog’s entire mouth daily: just do one section at a time, and keep rotating. Dental-formula treats, kibble, and chews can also help. Last but not least, make sure your pooch always has fresh water and suitable chew toys.

Please contact us, your Aboite, IN pet hospital, for all your dog’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

Emergency Care

Limited Emergency Appointments

Please call us first so we can properly advise you on the best course of action and to confirm availability (260) 432-5525

If we are closed and have an emergency, please contact Dr. Gupta's pager number at (260) 480-6018

Boarding & Grooming only

(260) 222-5392

Aboite Animal Clinic


4142 Covington Rd,
Fort Wayne, IN 46804



7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 12:00 pm



Boarding Pickup












6:00 pm - 6:30 pm


8:00 am - 8:30 am

6:00 pm - 6:30 pm