Keeping Kitty Trim

Is your feline buddy starting to look a bit pudgy? Fluffy still looks adorable if she’s a little chunky, but she’ll be much healthier staying at or near her ideal weight. Obesity can cause or contribute to some very serious health issues in cats! But how do you convince a kitty to keep fit? A South West Fort Wayne, IN vet offers some tips below.

Portion Control

Did you know that giving your cat just ten calories a day too much can cause her to gain a pound a year? That’s a lot for a little furball! Pay close attention to your pet’s serving sizes. Also, be careful not to let Fluffy manipulate you into overfeeding her. Some furballs have their owners completely wrapped around their paws!

High-Quality Food

Proper nutrition is very important. We recommend getting your cat the best food you can afford. Many lower-quality brands are packed with carb-heavy fillers, like corn, which can contribute to kitty obesity. Ask your vet for recommendations.

Limit Treats

While some kitties are finicky about snacks, others will eat, well, pretty much anything. Treats are fine, but don’t overdo it!


Just like people, cats sometimes snack out of boredom. Make your home fun and interesting for your kitty! Offering Fluffy a good window view is one way to entertain her.


You probably won’t have much luck telling Fluffy to do laps around the kitchen, but you can keep her active by providing lots of toys and playing with her regularly. When it comes to toy choices, classic toys like catnip mice are fine, but you may also want to try out some cute modern playthings, like robotic mice or automated laser pointers. Interactive toys—such as wand toys—are particularly beneficial, because they make kitties feel like they are really hunting something. This is also a great way to bond with your furry pal!

Provide A Kitty Gym

Get your feline buddy some fun pieces of cat furniture that encourage her to jump and climb. Cat towers are an excellent choice, as they also provide Fluffy with a nail-care station, lookout point, and napping spot. Many cats also like vertical space, so offer your furball some kitty shelves or a catwalk.

Do you have questions about your cat’s diet or care? Contact us, your South West Fort Wayne, IN pet clinic, today. We’re happy to help!

Is your feline buddy starting to look a bit pudgy? Fluffy still looks adorable if she’s a little chunky, but she’ll be much healthier staying at or near her ideal weight. Obesity can cause or contribute to some very serious health issues in cats! But how do you convince a kitty to keep fit? A South West Fort Wayne, IN vet offers some tips below.

Portion Control

Did you know that giving your cat just ten calories a day too much can cause her to gain a pound a year? That’s a lot for a little furball! Pay close attention to your pet’s serving sizes. Also, be careful not to let Fluffy manipulate you into overfeeding her. Some furballs have their owners completely wrapped around their paws!

High-Quality Food

Proper nutrition is very important. We recommend getting your cat the best food you can afford. Many lower-quality brands are packed with carb-heavy fillers, like corn, which can contribute to kitty obesity. Ask your vet for recommendations.

Limit Treats

While some kitties are finicky about snacks, others will eat, well, pretty much anything. Treats are fine, but don’t overdo it!


Just like people, cats sometimes snack out of boredom. Make your home fun and interesting for your kitty! Offering Fluffy a good window view is one way to entertain her.


You probably won’t have much luck telling Fluffy to do laps around the kitchen, but you can keep her active by providing lots of toys and playing with her regularly. When it comes to toy choices, classic toys like catnip mice are fine, but you may also want to try out some cute modern playthings, like robotic mice or automated laser pointers. Interactive toys—such as wand toys—are particularly beneficial, because they make kitties feel like they are really hunting something. This is also a great way to bond with your furry pal!

Provide A Kitty Gym

Get your feline buddy some fun pieces of cat furniture that encourage her to jump and climb. Cat towers are an excellent choice, as they also provide Fluffy with a nail-care station, lookout point, and napping spot. Many cats also like vertical space, so offer your furball some kitty shelves or a catwalk.

Do you have questions about your cat’s diet or care? Contact us, your South West Fort Wayne, IN pet clinic, today. We’re happy to help!

Emergency Care

Limited Emergency Appointments

Please call us first so we can properly advise you on the best course of action and to confirm availability (260) 432-5525

If we are closed and have an emergency, please contact Dr. Gupta's pager number at (260) 480-6018

Boarding & Grooming only

(260) 222-5392

Aboite Animal Clinic


4142 Covington Rd,
Fort Wayne, IN 46804



7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 12:00 pm



Boarding Pickup












6:00 pm - 6:30 pm


8:00 am - 8:30 am

6:00 pm - 6:30 pm